Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hadoop HDFS Troubleshooting using strace

strace hadoop fs -fs hdfs://l-hdpm-01:54310/ -ls /
strace -e trace=network hadoop fs -fs hdfs://l-hdpm-01:54310/ -ls /
strace -f -e trace=network hadoop fs -fs hdfs://l-hdpm-01:54310/ -ls /

1 comment:

  1. Students will be able to download in the near future. On the board's official website, the 9th class Blueprint 2023 will be released. After the exam, all students want to look at the MP 9th Blueprint 2023 as soon as possible. On the Madhya Pradesh board 9th Blueprint 2023 site, you may get MP 9th Blueprint 2023 by name, syllabus, and subject. MP 9th Exam Pattern 2023 English Hindi Medium PDF We believe that students in the ninth grade will be pleased with the MP 9th board Blueprint 2023 they also have another option for revel Downloading and Blueprint 2023. The MP Government formed the board. Its headquarters are in Bhopal, MP, which is home to the state's 9th Blueprint 2023. All school level examinations are held in Hindi, English, and Urdu by the board. Visit the board's official website for further information.


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